Practices are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 6-8 PM and Saturday @ 11-1 PM

Our program boasts a diverse bunch of students that come from different ethnic backgrounds, countries, skill levels. We strive to be as multicultural as possible because we believe that martial arts is the tool that breaks the language barrier. No matter what language you speak, you can understand the passion in our gym. We live martial arts. We want to make this experience universal!

Our program boasts a diverse bunch of students that come from different ethnic backgrounds, countries, skill levels. We strive to be as multicultural as possible because we believe that martial arts is the tool that breaks the language barrier. No matter what language you speak, you can understand the passion in our gym. We live martial arts. We want to make this experience universal!
​"Dynamo is concerned more about the philosophy, the way you approach the fight."
​​Oleg Taktarov

​"Dynamo teaches martial arts on such a technical level. It's all about the detail."
​​-Victor Tatarkin
Professional MMA Fighter and Coach
​"Such an efficient workout. ​Never
imagined sweating so much!"
-Bair Ulakhinov
Dynamo Club Coach
Travel and Compete!
Dynamo team athletes have the opportunity to qualify for martial art national teams. ​Dynamo is sanctioned by multiple martial arts governing bodies including USA Judo, AASF, etc. and so has access to the many competitions in the local, state, national, and international level.

​Set Goals and Achieve!
Our program is structured around setting goals and achieving them. We use old fashioned training techniques to strengthen speed and conditioning. Our physical movements create the full-body workout necessary to see fitness results .

An in-depth lesson on defense against choking/strangulation in competitive and survival situations.

Juliya Cannabiss representing female sambo athletes at the USA Open!

An in-depth lesson on defense against choking/strangulation in competitive and survival situations.
​​Train with the Elite!
​The trainers on staff are seasoned referees, coaches, and previous athletes. They have comprehensive knowledge of all the nuances and details instrumental in combat sport success. Dynamo provides a very detailed study of martial arts curriculum essential for rank advancement.​

My name is Arash Soofiani and I am the +100kg category judo player for San Jose State University. I will graduate in June 2017 with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Environmental Studies, with a concentration in Energy Policy and Conservation. Born and raised in Venice Beach, I have adopted the San Francisco Bay Area as my new home. I transferred to San Jose State University from West Los Angeles Community College in
2014. I’ve been wrestling, doing judo or sambo, and grappling since I was 11 years old. I started judo at Dynamo Sports Club, a community sports program that helped me grow daily after my wrestling practices. Raised by various LA-based dojos such as Dynamo Sports Club, Tenri Dojo, and Hayastan MMA, I have come to SJSU Judo to become a stronger judoka and person. SJSU Judo’s storied Olympian alumni attracted me to the program; three of them, (Colton Brown, Marti Malloy, Mike Swain) are still active at SJSU Judo as active competitors, invigorating coaches, and wise mentors. I am thankful for being surrounded by hard working teammates as well. With the help of the SJSU Judo program, I’ve been able to win the National Collegiate Championships in 2016 and qualify for this World University Games. Our SJSU judo winning tradition is sure to invade the World University Games and take gold across the board.
In my spare time, I like to spend time in the serenity of the giant redwood and oak woodlands of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Meditation, breathing, and stretching are big parts of my day, intermittently visited even when I’m finishing work for my various gigs and internships. I am also a heavyweight hip hop head, digging through the proverbial crates for legendary emcees like KRS-1, Rakim, and the WuTang Clan. But nothing beats eating and drinking well in the company of good friends. Cheers
Judo and SAMBO Highlights:
Pan American Cup Costa Rica Bronze 2013
Central American Cup Costa Rica Bronze 2013
World University Games Team 2013
World SAMBO Championships Team 2012
USA and Pan-American SAMBO Champion and Medalist 2008 -2012
Senior National Championships Silver 2015
Pan American Senior Championship Team 2016
NCA Collegiate National Champion 2016
Competing in the World University Games is a major achievement for an athlete who has been able to succeed not only in college but also in sport. SJSU athletes will be training up till the day of the fight and will not disappoint! SJSU athletes plan to keep the winning tradition very much alive and come home with the gold. Thank you so much for all the help and support!

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